Sharing and Growing (victory garden weeks 14/15)

SDC12674Uli thought the trellis needed adjusting. ( Look how big she’s getting! and sassy too!)

Well things got crazy on the home front. I would like to preface this by letting you know upfront I’m not complaining. (I fled home to get help from my parents and much needed rest. They’re fantastic to be there for me and a blessing) It happens to everyone I’m sure. I had what felt like a mountain of studio work to do. Uli and the puppy were taking turns making really big messes all day long. On top of it things got crazy for my husband at work at the same time. Now we’re home and back to our routine. I can thankfully say our little garden didn’t suffer much.

I pulled out the peas and our cucumbers are taking off! Uli decided to make sure the trellis was ready for them while I was taking pictures. Some more herbs found their way into the car at Jack of the Green. Jack of the Green’s one of those hidden gems in Lake Leelanau, MI. You’ld be lucky to stumble upon it. Then be hooked by unique quality garden tools, plants, and inspiration. It was worth the stop just to chat with Tracy and wonder the display gardens. We found a friendly green frog in the water garden. Oh! And… Yep, I drove the herbs five hours back to Ohio. They’re that good.

The tomatoes and zucchini were so happy I had extra to share! It was always my favorite gift when friends and family think to offer me they’re extras at harvest time. While we were up north I made jam with black raspberries I scavenged from my parents bushes. All the while worrying about how my garden would fare in 100 degree heat and my husbands care. He went above and beyond my small requests for water and tending. I was surprised with pictures and counts of our ripening produce. He was actually into gardening. Who knew?!? I hope I haven’t created a monster… Anyway, it feels amazing to be home and finally able to share my own veggies with friends!

First Tomatoes! (Victory Garden weeks 12/13)

The first cherry tomatoes ripened this week! It was so exciting. Uli’s reaction was priceless. “Ahhhhhhhh!!!” followed by a big bite and then another. I’ll have to wait till the next ones are ripe to tell you how they taste. Uli gobbled up all three of them. I’m glad she’ll have something else to pick strait from the garden. The snap peas are almost done. They’re not so happy in the heat. I’ll be pulling them out this week to make room for the cucumbers.


The zucchini’s threatening to take over the garden! Next year I think I’ll give the zucchini it’s own bed. Another lesson learned…


I also planted some herbs in their own pot. They’ve almost filled it in. Uli and the pups like to hang out under the tree right behind it. It’s the yuckiest part of the yard and they love it!


Here’s Uli Belle by the zucchini monster. I hope she’s eating peas in this picture… The dress I just made her turned out so cute. I’ll be posting directions for how to make it this Friday.


The Art of Puttering (Victory Garden weeks 11/12)

SDC12362Snap peas! Yum

My dad is a champion putterer. It’s becoming clear that it’s a trait he passed on to me. Through the spring, summer, and fall we would have to practically force him to come inside before dark. He was always doing something in the garden, vineyard, or field. His puttering turned out some amazing things. I got to enjoy fresh eggs, homemade wine, and meals made with vegetables we helped grow. I think I learned patience watching him tend our land. Things generally grow best with space, sun, and water. It takes careful puttering to make sure they get what they need to grow. I hope I’ll share this trait with my daughter.

Uli loves snap peas! She picks them right off the vine. I can’t even believe she can pick the peas from the leaves on her own! Yep. This is a proud momma moment. So my child runs naked through the yard when it’s far to chilly to do so… She’s happy, well fed, and appreciates nature. The garden has become a distraction. I’ve thinned weeds, watered, and now I find myself just staring at it and daydreaming. What did I plant here? Are there dog proof garden markers? Is the zucchini overcrowding the basil? Turn green already tomatoes! I want to eat you!  I spend the time I should be on more work related things outside. It’s not just the garden beckoning me. There’s a baby and two dogs that would rather play outside all day. I stress at the end of the day when I feel like works piling up. But, I wouldn’t trade these moments (ok these long afternoons) for anything.

Uli and I sat for an hour watching the birds this week. Her reaction would make millions if it could have been captured. The pure joy and wonder was contagious. I looked at the birds flying like they were this amazing show acted out just for us. Being a mom has made me slow down and appreciate the world around me.  It even hits me how lucky I am to have amazing parents to look up to. (That’s you Mom and Dad)

SDC12364See if you can pick the peas from the leaves

SDC12585My first beat harvest. It’s been an amazing couple of weeks in the garden.

Home (Victory Garden weeks 9/10)

I’ve realized we now have two homes. Last week we went back to Traverse City, MI to visit family. We got some much needed time together and better weather than we could ask for. It was so inspiring to be back in our beautiful homeland. I got to spend some time in my parents garden, they’re the reason I can’t help but to garden. More than that, we all got to see people we’ve known and loved for a long time. During the first few days I didn’t think I could possibly miss Toledo. Eventually  I did.

I missed my neighbors, garden and Bob. We left the garden and our dog Bob in my neighbors care for over a week. It was hard not to worry. As confident as I was that they would be well taken care of. I craved the routine and life we had in our new home. I can’t believe this can feel like home in less than a year. (It’s probably largely our fantastic neighbors doing)  Bob looked as happy as the garden did when we came back. Bobby’s tail was wagging! The beats, peas, peppers, and tomatoes looked great! And we made it home just in time for the first spinach harvest! Check out the spinach harvest salad recipe I put up.

SDC12305Uli and grandma looking at the koi… just beyond them is a chicken coop and garden!

SDC12327My happy garden!

Mothers Day Tradition (Victory Garden! weeks 7/8)

Every mother’s day I can remember my mom would ask to go to our local nursery. We would all go as a family to pick out flowers, vegetables and herbs for the garden. I remember loving the warm green houses. Mom would always ask what I wanted to plant. And I would pick out snap dragons or moss roses. This is the first year that I couldn’t go with her. It made me realize how much those trips meant to me. Even though it was our gift to her. I found my self missing those days of shopping and planting. It was so simple. Yet, filled with hope and love.  All she really wanted was for us to have happy family memories together. Now that I’m a mom I’ve found my self longing for that same kind of mothers day.

The garden’s been growing with out much help from me lately. Well, other than fending off the baby and puppy. So far we have happy beets, swiss chard, zucchini, spinach, and peas. The carrots are just starting to sprout. We could never get carrots to grow back home in Traverse City, MI. I’ve hoping it’s just warm enough here in Toledo. I’m looking foreword to our family nursery trip this week. We should get some more herbs, tomatoes, and peppers.

SDC12198Here’s a picture of the squash sprouts

For now it’s just me Uli and the pups. We’ve learned to live with postponed holidays. I wouldn’t change it. Because when Jeff gets off duty we’ll be able to focus on our family. I already asked to go to the nursery together. We’ll see what Uli picks out for the garden.

Victory Garden! (week 6)

SDC12129The peas are still growing. They were even ready to thin out. I couldn’t stop myself from replanting some in the next square. They look like they’re growing fine for now. We’ll see how it goes…

SDC12130The first zucchini sprouts are up!

SDC12128The swiss chard is still growing. It still feels like a miracle that anything’s growing. I can’t wait to harvest!…and there’s still so much to do and wait for.

Victory Garden week 3

Not much has changed in the garden this past week. It’s been colder and dreary. Evidently, the plants have been feeling like I have. A little mopey and under the weather. We even had our first minor disaster. A big gust of wind knocked over our poor baby plants. I managed to save most of them. But, still couldn’t bring my self to photograph the aftermath. We needed something a bit more upbeat to focus on. So for this week. I thought I’d give you a peek at our family garden planning session.

SDC11649It all started as I was finishing some illustrations. We were talking about all of the things we could grow in our backyard this year.

SDC11648Uli was making her own artwork.

SDC11653I asked my husband to help me decide what we should plant in our square foot gardens. This is what we wound up with: tomatoes, peppers, tomatillos, banana, potato, pizza, doughnut, kiwi, star fruit, grapes, and what I’m pretty sure is a bowling ball. If you notice the abundance of tropical fruits, you may think we live in a tropical climate. Nope. Just dreaming…

SDC11651Jeff decided to draw some animals for our garden.

SDC11650I’m not sure why our garden inspired a manicorn. But, it did.