Sharing and Growing (victory garden weeks 14/15)

SDC12674Uli thought the trellis needed adjusting. ( Look how big she’s getting! and sassy too!)

Well things got crazy on the home front. I would like to preface this by letting you know upfront I’m not complaining. (I fled home to get help from my parents and much needed rest. They’re fantastic to be there for me and a blessing) It happens to everyone I’m sure. I had what felt like a mountain of studio work to do. Uli and the puppy were taking turns making really big messes all day long. On top of it things got crazy for my husband at work at the same time. Now we’re home and back to our routine. I can thankfully say our little garden didn’t suffer much.

I pulled out the peas and our cucumbers are taking off! Uli decided to make sure the trellis was ready for them while I was taking pictures. Some more herbs found their way into the car at Jack of the Green. Jack of the Green’s one of those hidden gems in Lake Leelanau, MI. You’ld be lucky to stumble upon it. Then be hooked by unique quality garden tools, plants, and inspiration. It was worth the stop just to chat with Tracy and wonder the display gardens. We found a friendly green frog in the water garden. Oh! And… Yep, I drove the herbs five hours back to Ohio. They’re that good.

The tomatoes and zucchini were so happy I had extra to share! It was always my favorite gift when friends and family think to offer me they’re extras at harvest time. While we were up north I made jam with black raspberries I scavenged from my parents bushes. All the while worrying about how my garden would fare in 100 degree heat and my husbands care. He went above and beyond my small requests for water and tending. I was surprised with pictures and counts of our ripening produce. He was actually into gardening. Who knew?!? I hope I haven’t created a monster… Anyway, it feels amazing to be home and finally able to share my own veggies with friends!

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